WP.29 Compliance Consultant Service


At the end of June 2020, Working Group 29 of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (WP29) issued United Nations Regulation 155 (WP.29/R155) – Cyber security and cyber security Management System (CSMS). WP.29 /R155 is an unprecedented vehicle regulation that is the first to mandate network security for connected and autonomous vehicles. It requires manufacturers to have the necessary security processes and technologies in place within their organizations and in their vehicles in order to obtain vehicle certification.

In July 2022, UN R155 will become binding on new cars in the UNECE market, that is, new models must be WP.29 /R155 certified.

INCHTEK provides the following WP.29 /R155 related security services:

CSMS Gap Analysis

INCHTEK automotive network security experts, work with OEM manufacturers, Tier1 related departments, according to WP.29/R155 to evaluate the maturity level of cyber security processes and capabilities, analyze the gap between the existing processes and capabilities of the enterprise and WP.29/R155 requirements, and give corresponding gap improvement suggestions.

CSMS Definition

The security experts will work with the relevant departments to develop the relevant policies, procedures, solutions and tool solutions to meet the requirements of WP.29/R155.

The consulting service process is aimed at the final approval of WP29.R155.


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