Cyber Security Solution Service


With more internet-connected devices in vehicle, vehicles are also vulnerable to cyber security threats. In order to determine the network security risks existing in vehicles and reinforce them in time, OEMs should adopt threat analysis and Risk Assessment (TARA) to review the target equipment. TARA analysis is a critical first step in the vehicle cyber security strategy, which is also a necessary step for United Nations Article 155 (UNECE WP.29) type certification.

According to the requirements of ISO/SAE 21434 standard and experience of industry experts, INCHTEK security teams conduct asset identification and threat modeling analysis for target vehicles/components, comprehensively identify cyber security risks and recommend effective mitigation strategies.

Vehicle Cyber Security Strengthen Services

For various security risks found in TARA analysis and penetration test, INCHTEK security service teams study the practical implementation scheme of each risk, and deal with the security risks together with the vehicle development team, so as to achieve the goal of risk mitigation/elimination.

Vehicle cyber security strengthen services includes the following contents:

• Prepare technical plan for security risk implementation

• Develop security improvement plans 

• Security product deployment solution 

• Security technology improvement, including coding implementation of function safety 

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A North American automobile manufacturer has adopted DMS (driver monitoring system), 

a brand of Tier1 in China. INCHTEK provides professional TARA analysis for DMS products, discovers various cyber security risks through asset identification, threat modeling and risk assessment services, and provides security plans, coding and testing in the later stage, to reduce all existing risks to acceptable levels.
